1. Mobile Services Accept Payments

How Do Mobile Services Accept Payments?

Jul 5th, 2023


Mobile services, such as e-commerce apps, rideshare apps, and delivery services, use integrated payment gateways to accept payments. Various types of businesses benefit from mobile payments, including retail, restaurants, food trucks, rideshares, contractors, and event venues. Mobile credit card payments can enhance POS transactions by providing speed, convenience, versatility, portability, real-time inventory management, sales analytics, reduced costs, and increased sales opportunities.

Mobile services such as e-commerce, ridesharing, and delivery platforms have revolutionized the way payments are processed. These businesses often use integrated payment gateways to accept payments from customers. This technology has transformed how customers can pay for goods and services, allowing them to do so securely with just a few clicks or taps on their mobile devices. They also facilitate sales at outdoor events, pop-up shops, food trucks, and other temporary locations where traditional payment systems might be impractical.

Mobile Credit Card Readers - How Do They Work

Welcome to the world of mobile payment solutions! With a mobile credit card reader, businesses can conveniently accept payments from customers using their smartphones or tablets. But how exactly does this work? Let’s take an in-depth look into what goes on behind the scenes:

  1. Hardware: A mobile credit card reader is just a small device that connects to your phone or tablet. This tiny piece of technology reads information stored on cards like debit and credit cards and converts it into data readable by electronic devices. It could be plugged into the headphone jack or connected via Bluetooth. Some of these devices can read the magnetic stripe on cards, others can read the EMV chip in cards, and more advanced models can also handle contactless payments using NFC (Near Field Communication) technology.
  2. Software: A dedicated app provided by the payment processing company needs to be installed on the mobile device. This app facilitates the payment transaction, allowing the user to input payment details, such as the amount to be charged. It also typically provides additional features such as the ability to email a receipt, track sales, and manage inventory.
  3. Transaction: When a customer wishes to make a payment, their card is swiped, dipped, or tapped (for contactless payments) on the reader. The card's information is then encrypted and sent through the mobile device to the payment processor via the Internet.
  4. Payment Processing: To ensure customer and business security, the payment processor receives the transaction information and verifies that there are sufficient funds in the customer's bank account to cover it. This is known as authorization. If approved, the transaction will be processed, the customer's bank account is debited, and the amount is credited to the business's bank account.
  5. Security: For data sent during processing, encryption technology is used to protect sensitive cardholder information from any fraudulent activity. This is important to protect both the customer and the business from potential fraud.
  6. Fees: For this service, the payment processing company usually charges a small fee per transaction. This is often a combination of a fixed fee and a percentage of the transaction amount.

If you're an independent vendor or small business owner, mobile credit card readers offer convenience and portability when it comes to accepting payments. This makes transactions easier for both customers and your company.

Accepting Mobile Payments

Before you can start taking advantage of this technology, there are a few steps that must be taken:

Start a Business

This is an obvious first step. To accept mobile credit card payments, you need a product or service to sell and a business structure in place, whether you're a sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, or corporation.

Choose a Mobile Device

You'll need a smartphone or a tablet to connect to your mobile credit card reader. The device should be fairly modern to ensure compatibility with the reader and the associated app. Both iOS and Android devices are typically supported.

Choose a Credit Card Processor

This is one of the most crucial steps. Consider the pricing, the transaction fees, the types of payments accepted (e.g., magnetic strip, EMV chip, NFC for contactless payments), and the additional services offered. Some popular choices include Square, PayPal Here, and Stripe.

Keep Your Device Secure

Your mobile device will be handling sensitive financial information, so it's crucial to ensure that it's secure. Use strong, unique passwords, enable automatic updates to get the latest security patches, and install security apps if possible. Only use secure, private Wi-Fi networks when processing payments.

Launch Your Shop

Once you've got your mobile device, credit card reader, and payment processing app, you're ready to start accepting payments. Set up your products or services in the app if it supports this feature (many do), and then you're ready to make sales.

Promote Your Payment Options

Let your customers know that you now accept credit card payments. Advertise this fact on your website, social media, email newsletters, and in your physical location if you have one.

Keep an Eye on Transaction Fees

Each transaction will come with a small fee. Keep track of these and consider them when setting your prices and evaluating your profit margins. Also, be aware of any monthly fees or setup fees charged by the payment processing company.

Stay Compliant

Ensure that you are complying with all relevant laws and regulations regarding data security. This includes the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a set of requirements for organizations that handle payment card data.

By following these steps, you can start accepting mobile credit card payments for your business, opening up more possibilities for sales and growth.

Why You Should Accept Card Payments on Your Smartphone

Accepting card payments on your smartphone using a mobile credit card reader offers several advantages for businesses, especially small businesses, startups, and independent vendors. Here are some reasons why you should consider this payment method:


One of the most significant advantages is the convenience it offers. Customers don't always carry cash, and a mobile credit card reader ensures that you can always accept payments.

Increased Sales

By offering more payment options, you increase the chances of making a sale. Customers are more likely to complete their purchases if they can pay in the way they prefer.


Mobile credit card readers are perfect for businesses on the go. If you attend trade shows, farmers' markets, pop-up shops, or other events, you can take your card reader with you and make sales anywhere.


Traditional POS (Point of Sale) systems can be expensive. Mobile credit card readers, on the other hand, are relatively affordable, making them a great choice for small businesses or startups on a budget.

Easy Setup

Mobile card readers are typically very easy to set up and use. They just need to be connected to your mobile device, usually via the headphone jack or Bluetooth, and paired with the corresponding app.


Trusted mobile payment processors use encryption to secure payment data, protecting your customers' information and your business from fraud.

Real-Time Processing

Transactions are processed in real-time, so you know immediately whether a payment has been approved.

Digital Records

Mobile payment systems automatically keep track of each transaction, making bookkeeping easier. Many systems also offer analytics and sales reports to help you understand your business's financial health.

Improved Customer Experience

Offering card payments can enhance the customer experience by providing faster checkouts and the convenience of cashless payments.

Before deciding to accept card payments on your smartphone, you should also consider potential downsides, such as transaction fees and the need to ensure that your device is always charged and connected to a reliable Internet source. However, for many businesses, the benefits far outweigh these concerns.

Types of Businesses Benefiting From Mobile Payments

Indeed, contactless payments offer many advantages, such as ease of use, speed, and a reduced need for physical contact, which is particularly beneficial in the current health climate. While contactless payments have become increasingly common in a variety of businesses, some of the types of businesses that often use this technology include:


Many physical stores now accept contactless payments, which can speed up the checkout process and improve customer experience. This includes large chain stores and small local businesses.


From fast food chains to fine dining establishments, many restaurants offer contactless payment options, either at the counter or at the table via a mobile payment device.

Mobile Food Trucks

Given their on-the-go nature and outdoor settings, food trucks benefit significantly from the convenience of contactless payments.


Many taxi drivers and rideshare services like Uber and Lyft now accept contactless payments, making it easier for passengers to pay for their rides without needing cash.


Independent contractors and freelancers who provide services like photography, graphic design, consulting, and more can accept contactless payments using mobile card readers attached to their smartphones or tablets.

Food Markets

Vendors at farmers’ markets can benefit from contactless payments as it enables them to cater to more customers, especially those who might not have cash on hand.


These temporary retail setups can take advantage of the portability and convenience of contactless payment systems.

Professional Services

Businesses like law firms, dental offices, medical clinics, and others in the professional services sector are increasingly offering contactless payments to meet their clients' preferences.

Personal Trainers and Coaches

Personal trainers, life coaches, or any professionals who work on an individual basis with clients can make use of contactless payments for their services.

Event Venues

Concert halls, theaters, and sports stadiums can use contactless payments to speed up transactions and reduce lines at concession stands and ticket booths.

As mobile payment technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, it's likely that even more types of businesses will start accepting contactless payments.

iPhone vs. Android

Mobile payments have become increasingly popular, with both Android and iPhone (iOS) devices offering secure and efficient platforms for mobile transactions. Here's a comparison of the main mobile payment systems used on these two platforms:

Apple Pay (iPhone)

  • Device Compatibility: Apple Pay is only compatible with certain models of iPhones, iPads, Apple Watch, and Macs.
  • Security: Apple Pay uses tokenization to secure your card information. Each transaction uses a unique dynamic security code, and card details are never stored on your device or shared with merchants.
  • User Experience: The Wallet app where Apple Pay is stored is pre-installed on all iPhones. Payments are authenticated with Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode.
  • Where You Can Use It: Apple Pay is accepted in millions of stores worldwide, in apps, and on participating websites. It's also accepted in transit systems in some cities.

Google Pay (Android)

  • Device Compatibility: Google Pay works on any NFC-enabled Android device running Lollipop 5.0 or higher for in-store, in-app, and online payments.
  • Security: Google Pay also uses tokenization for transactions. It doesn't send your actual credit or debit card number with your payment, so your card details stay safe. If your phone is ever lost or stolen, you can use the "Find My Device" feature to instantly lock your phone and secure it with a new password or erase your personal information.
  • User Experience: Google Pay is pre-loaded on many Android devices, and if not, it's easy to download from the Google Play Store. Payments are authenticated using a screen lock method—PIN, pattern, password, fingerprint, or Face Unlock.
  • Where You Can Use It: Google Pay is accepted in millions of places around the world, in apps, on websites, and in stores that accept contactless payments.

Both systems offer a secure and convenient alternative to cash or card payments. The choice between them primarily comes down to which type of smartphone you use. As an Android user, Google Pay will be your go-to, while iPhone users will use Apple Pay. Both systems are widely accepted, and the technology and user experience are quite similar.

Accepting Credit Card Payments Without Fees

While it's virtually impossible to accept credit card payments without any fees at all, there are ways to minimize costs and manage fees effectively:

  1. Negotiate with Payment Processors: Depending on your business's size and the volume of transactions you process, you may be able to negotiate lower fees with your payment processor.
  2. Monthly Fee vs. Transaction Fee: Some processors offer different fee structures. A monthly fee might be high, but transaction fees could be lower. If you process a large volume of transactions, this could be a more cost-effective option.
  3. Interchange-Plus Pricing: Some processors offer this pricing model, which separates the interchange fee (the fee charged by the card-issuing bank) and the markup fee (the fee charged by the processor). This model is often more transparent and can be more cost-effective for businesses.
  4. Adopt ACH Payments: Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, or electronic bank-to-bank transfers, often come with lower fees than credit card payments. However, not all customers may be comfortable providing their bank account details.
  5. Pass on the Fees: Some businesses choose to pass credit card fees on to customers by charging a convenience fee for credit card transactions. However, this practice can discourage some customers and is regulated in certain areas, so you'll need to make sure it's legal and acceptable in your location and industry.
  6. Remember that while it's important to manage costs, it's also crucial to provide convenient payment options for your customers. Many customers appreciate the ability to pay by credit card, and offering this option can increase your sales and business growth. Consider your fees an investment in customer convenience and satisfaction, and factor them into your pricing strategy to ensure your business remains profitable.

Improved POS Transactions

Mobile credit card payments indeed have the potential to greatly enhance Point of Sale (POS) transactions. Here are a few ways they can do so:

  1. Speed and Convenience: Mobile credit card readers, connected to a smartphone or tablet, can process payments quickly, which can significantly reduce checkout times. This is particularly useful in fast-paced environments like coffee shops or fast food restaurants.
  2. Improved Customer Experience: Customers often appreciate the ability to pay by card, especially if they don't carry much cash. The ability to pay at the table in a restaurant or anywhere in a store can also enhance the customer experience.
  3. Versatility: Mobile payment systems can accept a wide range of payment types, including magnetic stripe cards, EMV chip cards, and contactless payments like Apple Pay or Google Pay. This versatility ensures you can cater to a wide range of customer preferences.
  4. Portability: If your business isn't tied to a specific location (for instance, if you run a food truck, pop-up store, or market stall), mobile credit card readers can go wherever your business goes.
  5. Real-Time Inventory Management: Some mobile payment platforms offer inventory management features, updating your stock levels in real-time as sales are made.
  6. Sales Analytics: Mobile POS systems often come with analytics and reporting features, giving you insights into sales trends, peak sales times, and more. This information can help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your business.
  7. Reduced Costs: Traditional POS systems can be quite expensive, with significant upfront costs for hardware and software. In contrast, mobile credit card readers are typically much more affordable, making them a great choice for small businesses or startups.
  8. Increased Sales Opportunities: By offering a popular and convenient payment method, you may increase your sales. Research has shown that businesses that accept credit cards can see increased revenue compared to those that only accept cash.

By leveraging the advantages of mobile credit card payments, businesses can significantly improve their POS transactions, benefiting both their operations and their customers.

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